1986: Fashion in Action

Fashion in Action Summer Special (1986) #1, Fashion in Action Winter Special (1987) #1 by John K. Snyder III et al.

Fashion in Action ran as a backup feature in Scout for a while, and I discussed it some in that article. So the question is: Has it changed much after being spun off into its own title?

Not really. The first issue consists of three eight page segments, so it was probably meant to be run in Scout, anyway? But for the first time, the Fashion in Action crew deals with a fashion crime.

And speaking of crimes against fashion…

Not much has changed in that area, either.

And there’s paper dolls.

The second special is one long story, and it’s better than the first special.

The plan was apparently to continue doing these specials a couple of times per year if sales warranted, but perhaps sales didn’t?

A reprint of all the Fashion in Action stories was kickstartered in 2016.

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