The Amazing Cynicalman (1987) #1 by Matt Feazell et al.
Eclipse had published the four-issue Giant Size Mini Comics series the previous year, but that was during the black and white boom which was long over by now. So it’s difficult to guess what made them publish this, because the commercial appeal doesn’t seem obvious.
It’s Feazell’s usual stick figure stuff, and the main story here is amusing. I haven’t read Feazell widely, but I’ve read a story here and there over the years, and while you can’t really say that it’s a focused story, it meanders pleasantly to its ridiculous conclusion.
Feazell had a regular one page backup feature in Zot!, which I guess is where most people would know him from. He’d also done a solo “Zot! in Dimension 10½” book.
The last half of the book is by other writers and artists doing Feazell’s characters, mostly in something approaching Feazell’s style, too.
Bob Burden (of Flaming Carrot fame) even does a page.
Feazell explains the entire mini-comic thing, and also promises to send a mini-comic to anybody who sends him a drawing of Cynicalman. Offer good forever, so get to it, although I’d check to make sure that address is still valid.