Champions (1986) #1-6 by Dennis Mallonee, Chris Marrinan et al.
Oh, what fresh hell is this.
It’s a comic book based on a super-hero role playing game? I couldn’t be less the intended audience for a comic book if they’d tried.
But, hey, I can consider this an anthropological excursion.
Whaaa? The first issue is drawn by Carol Lay!? I love Carol Lay.
But it doesn’t help. As super-hero comics go, this is super lame. The fight scenes (and there are mostly just fight scenes) are static and unexciting.
But you have to love that “pl-pl-pp!”
By second issue Lay is gone, of course: The mystery is that she had gotten involved with this project in the first place. Chris Marrinan takes over pencilling, and a variety of inkers don’t do that much to help.
Apparently role-playing games have a lot of back-story, so reading this is like reading issue #452 of a book that you’ve never heard of before.
That was never any interesting in the first place.
OK, so here we have the meat of the, er, issue: Combat rooms and character descriptions. The readers are encouraged to send in their own designs, but as there were no new combat rooms in the last two issues, I guess nobody cared that much?
“Qualified approval.”
It’s kinda fascinating in a boring way how they credit the creators of each character when they introduce them.
You are, Malace! You are!
Oh, didn’t I say anything about the storyline? A bunch of characters swapped faces and genders and there was fighting and rapes and murder.
I must admit I found it hard to pay attention.
*insert funny joke here*
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